Social Impact Reporting Template
Powered by IA4SI and Social Reporting Standard

Many Social Entrepreneurs face the challenge of providing a concise reporting of their activities that is tailored to their needs. More often than not, available reporting schemes are limited to showcasing financial results, committee structures and business operations. Such reporting often overlooks the impact social organisations have on society and their target groups. For the CHEST beneficiaries, we have developed a reporting scheme explicitely taking into account the specific needs of Digital Social Innovations. It relies on the easy to follow structure of the Social Reporting Standard and combines it with the methodoligocal framework developed by the CAPS-project IA4Si (Impact assessment for Social Innovation) in order to help charitable and social organisations of every legal form and size to report on their social commitment. The reporting template also aims to facilitate discussions regarding the impact and results of an organisations work. By reporting and communicating results, the CHEST partners promote the results-based reflection of the projects funded and the growth of a learning culture among the CHEST community.
The CHEST Social Impact reporting template can be downloaded for free: